6/1/2013 2 Comments Daffodils BloomingThis year marks the start of many new beginnings and a great deal to be excited for. Last week, I shipped off 4 new pieces headed to Millville, NJ for GlassWeekend at Wheaton Arts. It is the first time that I will be showing at GlassWeekend and marks the introduction of my newly formed relationship with Heller Gallery. I am excited for the opportunity to show my work on the east coast and to grow as a practicing artist. In January, I got a new camera and as a result spent a lot of time taking photographs of the city. As I wondered around the streets taking pictures, the alienating nature of the city and the apparent anonymity of being in an urban environment crept upon me. The work I made for GlassWeekend throughout Winter and Spring focuses on the anonymity of individuals in an urban environment and looks at the moment we fuse into our surroundings and become apart of the background. Harcuba, myself and Marshall at The Studio at Corning, Summer 2012. That was fun. Unfortunately, I will not be able to personally attend GlassWeekend. I will be teaching a workshop at The Studio at the Corning museum of glass. It will be my first year teaching there without Mr. Harcuba and my first teaching with printmaker, Marshall Hyde, who worked with Harcuba many a time at the Corning Studio over the years. Marshall and I aim to continue the tradition of engraving for Harcuba, who taught his last class there last year. We'll need to do a Skype session with him...