p r o c e s s : g l a s s e n g r a v i n g
_cam·e·o [kam-ee-oh] / noun, plural cam·e·os.
1. a technique of engraving upon a gem or other stone, as onyx, in such a way that an underlying stone of one color is exposed as a background for a low-relief design of another color.
Carvings are the oldest manifestations in art. And engraving is a traditional method that people have used for centuries to decorate and depict stories onto the surface of glass. In my process, rather than carving stone or shell, I use flat glass that is comprised of colored layers. A panel of glass is to me what a blank canvas is to a painter.
1. a technique of engraving upon a gem or other stone, as onyx, in such a way that an underlying stone of one color is exposed as a background for a low-relief design of another color.
Carvings are the oldest manifestations in art. And engraving is a traditional method that people have used for centuries to decorate and depict stories onto the surface of glass. In my process, rather than carving stone or shell, I use flat glass that is comprised of colored layers. A panel of glass is to me what a blank canvas is to a painter.
Working on the cutting lathe. Carving out the rough form of the composition, preparing panel for detail engraving.
Working on the engraving lathe. Engraving the fine details of panel.