u p c o m i n g n e w s / e x h i b i t i o n s / c l a s s e s / e v e n t s
2021 Exhibitions: - A L o n g R i b b o n o f S t r a n g e I m p r e s s i o n s : H e l l e r G a l l e r y : J a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 This small collection of works is a record of the pivotal moment, full of reflection, growth and possibility that each of us suddenly and simultaneously, finds ourselves in. COVID-19 has presented us with a unique opportunity to re-imagine who we are and how we might sustainably adapt to and support the changing planet. The shadowy figures in these pieces teeter in the gray area between who they have been and who they are becoming. Where they go from here and how they choose to cross the tracks, remains to be seen.
These pieces were loosely inspired by Maxim Gorki's 1907 novel, 'The Life of a Useless Man'. All titles are direct quotes from the book.